

Man is not a master of life, but one of the millions of shapes in which life expresses itself. What distinguishes us fundamentally from other forms of life is our consciousness.

We understand consciousness as the way we observe and perceive the world and ourselves. In our understanding psychology is the theory of consciousness. As phenomenological psychology, it serves both self-awareness and individual consciousness as well as the study of consciousness in general, in society and in the cultures in which we live.

Regarding this viewpoint, a number of new perspectives and approaches were developed at the Nelles Institute:

  • The evolutionary model of the 7 levels of consciousness (Wilfried Nelles)
  • The constellation methods of the Life Integration Process (LIP) by Wilfried Nelles and the Couple Life Integration Process (CLIP) by Malte Nelles
  • Connections between our modern “zeitgeist” and psychological suffering
  • An approach of LIP for Organisations
  • A phenomenological attitude in therapy and constellation work
  • A realistic and life-affirming spirituality

Thank you for your interest in our work!

Wilfried & Malte Nelles
Founders and Directors of Nelles Institute